Monday, July 26, 2010

Domain name registered by the economy and increased risk of heat straight down

Posted: malicious cybersquatting will be a thorough investigation

Recently, the Ministry of Information Industry issued a circular, starting from December, will launch a nationwide rectification domain name registration service specification.

It is understood that the scope of regulatory focus, one domain name itself, the second is responsible for the registration of domain names around the agents. Said notice, the agents may not take speculation, fraud, coercion or other improper means to sell domain names, domain name registration forbidden in the name of agents under the guise of promoting other Internet services, individuals do not allow the domain name registration business, including profit making malicious domain registration, a check point.

In response, some in the industry said the move would affect the domain name not small investments.

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"I am now to focus on the above website, the domain name has basically not done." Dec. 20, has been the first in China registered by "sunset red", "Lucky Sambo" for the Internet domain name "corn worm" --- the industry on a personal domain name registered by nickname --- "Cobra" told reporters on the domain name speculation has become a bubble, investment in this area is not appropriate.

"Cobra" is the capital of a university, a sophomore student, studying computer science, he is interested in the network domain since last year, and "since then, I have one breath registered a domain name and more than 400 English 100 number of Chinese domain names. "

However, this investment in a lot of money to him today and not the amount of gains, in his own words, but just slightly flat or even a loss, "there are few transactions, the other party who disclose, but the vast Some are not sold. "

From the "sunset red" to "unity and happiness", from "The Banquet" to "Golden Flower", although these were registered by the domain name to earn enough eyeballs, but ultimately failed to transform into real business value . Such as "Lucky Sambo" asking 98,000 yuan, "The Banquet" selling 350,000 yuan, while the last Spring Festival Evening pandas "Tuan Tuan Yuan Yuan" the domain name fired into sky-high price of 88 million.

"In fact, these are merely for speculation, can not reflect the real value of domain names." In fact, the more lively of the domain name speculation, the results largely to nothing.鎹?鐪奸暅铔団?浠嬬粛锛屽湪澶ц倖鐐掍綔涔嬪悗锛岀洰鍓嶅煙鍚嶇殑瑕佷环宸茬粡鏅亶涓嬭穼锛屽ぇ閮藉湪鍑犵櫨鍒板嚑鍗冨厓涔嬮棿锛岄偅绉嶅姩杈勫嚑涓囧嚑鍗佷竾鍏冪殑鈥滃ぉ浠峰煙鍚嶁?鍦ㄥ墺鍘荤倰浣滅殑澶栬。涔嬪悗锛屽ぇ閮芥拨钀藉埌鏃犱汉闂触鐨勫湴姝ャ?鏄庢樉鐨勪緥瀛愬氨鏄湰鏈堝垵鍦ㄧ渷浼氫妇琛岀殑鍩熷悕鎷嶅崠浼氬洜鏃犱汉鎶ュ悕绔炴媿鑰屼互娴佹媿鍛婄粓锛屾樉绀哄嚭鍩熷悕鐨勫晢涓氫环鍊艰繕闇?閲嶆柊璇勪及銆?br />
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