Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Effective process improvement method must contain the elements

1. Emphasis on problem analysis

Problems and improvement opportunities on the analysis, identify root causes, to ensure that systemic issues are resolved the substantive, rather than the temporary aid of processing, as well as the problem again.

2. System solution

This method considers the system
Related functions, this will not solve a problem in the same time raised another question.

3. Sound project management methodology

A good project management, process improvement to ensure the successful completion of a number of ideas and achieve goals.

4. Verification Method

A validation program to solve the problem and the effectiveness of the method of measurement.

5. Improvement of Management by Objectives

Implementation of major process improvement program of large enterprises, there may be many innovative activities in the operation. Potential opportunities for improvement of these sort of importance, so that they coordinate with each other, concerns the company's goals.

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